Logbook for basic setup of InfluxDB 1.02 on Raspberry Pi 3
Logbook for basic setup of NodeRED on Raspberry Pi 3
Simple full backup IOT database
Simple full restore IOT database
Here are some technical details for my KiwiSDR setup ...
As a logical follow on I opted for a separate Diplexer for my Arrow antenna. I've choosen the WIMO Diplexer #22030.
The HAM RADIO 2018 in Friedrichshafen brought me a new antenna - the Arrow Antennas 146/437-10BP - I plan to use it for SOTA work as well as for working some amateur radio satellites.
I've made a simple cheat sheet for my HamGadgets Ultra Picokeyer because it is hard to remember the various key sequences and abbreviations in the menu mode :-)
Our third SOTA activation for 2018 is done. Monika (DL6SCF), our daugther Lisa and I activated the Römerstein DM/BW-078. Beautiful weather, a little bit overcast and not too warm. The CONDX where better than last sunday. |
Our second SOTA activation for 2018 is done. Monika (DL6SCF) and I activated the "Michelsberg" DM/BW-855. Beautiful weather - very sunny but not too warm. The CONDX where horrible. Deep QSB from S0 up to S9 from Spain und into the UK - very frustrating.
The first SOTA activation for 2018 is done. Monika (DL6SCF) and I activated the "Kaltes Feld" DM/BW-659.
As described here, I've build an RF Powermeter.
After aquiring an HF signal generator, a used HP 8647A, I started to do some testing regarding the precision of the RF powermeter.
Logbook for basic setup of Raspberry Pi 3
I was able to get a used 40dB power attenuator from a fellow ham. It is a 250W version in a very good condition. The attenuator should be usable up to 6GHz.
I've bought a cheap chinese DC-block on eBay for my spectrum analyser.
Here some measurements using the miniVNAtiny with vna/J:
I've bought some 30dB SMA pads from Huber&Suhner.
Here some measurements using the miniVNAtiny with vna/J:
Ich habe von **** eine gebrauchte, schaltbare Eichleitung gekauft. Laut Aufschrift stammt sie von **RE Instruments** aus Jülich. Sie dürfe aus der Zeit vor der Jahrtausendwende stammen und ist wohl aus einem HF-Signalgenerator ausgebaut worden.