Here a short description how I set up my RPi to send mail, usually sent to the users mbox to an SMTP server.
Some years ago I had wxtoimg running on a Windows machine and receiving NOAA images automatically with an analogue receiver.
According to node-red cookbook all files in the .node-red subdirectory should be backuped - except files in "node-modules" sub-directory:
Initial steps to setup Grafana on Raspberry3 Debian Strech
Data aggregation
Here the first step to automated data aggregation of sensor data ...
Logbook for basic setup of InfluxDB 1.02 on Raspberry Pi 3
Logbook for basic setup of NodeRED on Raspberry Pi 3
Simple full backup IOT database
Simple full restore IOT database
Here are some technical details for my KiwiSDR setup ...
As a logical follow on I opted for a separate Diplexer for my Arrow antenna. I've choosen the WIMO Diplexer #22030.
The HAM RADIO 2018 in Friedrichshafen brought me a new antenna - the Arrow Antennas 146/437-10BP - I plan to use it for SOTA work as well as for working some amateur radio satellites.
I've made a simple cheat sheet for my HamGadgets Ultra Picokeyer because it is hard to remember the various key sequences and abbreviations in the menu mode :-)
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Our third SOTA activation for 2018 is done. Monika (DL6SCF), our daugther Lisa and I activated the Römerstein DM/BW-078. Beautiful weather, a little bit overcast and not too warm. The CONDX where better than last sunday. |
Our second SOTA activation for 2018 is done. Monika (DL6SCF) and I activated the "Michelsberg" DM/BW-855. Beautiful weather - very sunny but not too warm. The CONDX where horrible. Deep QSB from S0 up to S9 from Spain und into the UK - very frustrating.
The first SOTA activation for 2018 is done. Monika (DL6SCF) and I activated the "Kaltes Feld" DM/BW-659.
As described here, I've build an RF Powermeter.
After aquiring an HF signal generator, a used HP 8647A, I started to do some testing regarding the precision of the RF powermeter.
Logbook for basic setup of Raspberry Pi 3