My new U3S is online :-)
I build my own 5-band version of G0UPL famous U3S kit kit. I placed it in an BOPLA ULTRAMAS cases.
The powersupply is a cheap chinese step-down-converter for the 5VDC rail of the U3s. For the PA power I used a LM317 based variable linear regularor.
Output power
The U3S with one PA FET gives the following output power:
Frequency |
Powerlevel |
5.366.127 | 21,68 |
7.040.023 | 22,60 |
10.140.223 | 21,52 |
14.097.173 | 21,28 |
50.294.493 | 21,36 |
The power readings are from home-build RF powermeter.
Please check also these articels: