Some days ago I setup a simle RTL-SDR based monitoring station. Now after about 5 days of more or less constant monitoring I found one interesting thing:
Here you can find all SDR related stuff.
You can listen to my web based SDR receiver here
Further details yout this receiver can be found in these posts:
I stumpled across this intersting post on RTL-SDR.COM talking about monitoring TirePressureMeasurementSystems with a cheap SDR stick and a clever piece of software. The rtl_433 software receives and decodes signals transmitted by tire pressure sensors inside the wheels of modern (I assume at least from the last 10 years) cars.
My initial idea is, that I can monitor the traffic in front of my house - at least traffic of modern cars. As Germany is a car centric country, I expect to catch most of the traffic.
Some years ago I had wxtoimg running on a Windows machine and receiving NOAA images automatically with an analogue receiver.
Here I've collected some configuration stuff for my KiwiSDR.