SOTA - DM/BW-094 - Kornberg

My second SOTA activation is done. Monika (DL6SCF) and I made a short hiking trip on the Swabian Alps. On top of the Kornberg we made a stop and started the activation ... unfortunately we have to shut down operation due to a rising thunderstorm.


It was a pretty succesfull activation. I've done 20 QSO within 33 minutes thanks for all stations calling me.

12:35z EA2DT 14MHz CW
12:36z F6FTB 14MHz CW
12:37z OK2PDT 14MHz CW
12:39z G4SSH 14MHz CW
12:40z EB2CZF 14MHz CW
12:42z OH2NOS 14MHz CW
12:46z SM0GNS 14MHz CW
12:47z G4IUP 14MHz CW
12:48z ON5XX 14MHz CW
12:52z G3RDQ 14MHz CW
12:56z DL2YBG 7MHz CW
12:58z DL7VKD 7MHz CW
12:59z OK1DVM 7MHz CW
13:00z DL1FU 7MHz CW
13:02z DL2HWI 7MHz CW
13:03z OE3KAB 7MHz CW
13:05z PA9M 7MHz CW
13:06z HB9AGH 7MHz CW
13:07z HB9CGA 7MHz CW
13:08z F6EFI 7MHz CW


Again I've used my HYENDFED 3-band antenna. One end was about 6m up in a tree, the other end was tied to a small bush about 1.5m above ground. The antenna again works fine, even without using the antenna tuner in my KX3.

"Wire winder"

Based on the various commercial "wire winders" found on the net, I build myself a "winder" from a medium density fibreboard which carries the antenna and some rope to attach the antenna to a mast or something similar. HYEND1 The "wire winder" has a cut-out in the middle part, which carries the top loading coil, so that you can wind on one half the wire above the loading coil and on the other half the wire from the balun to the loading coil. To prevent the wire from jumping off the "wire winder", I use my loved velcro straps (you get pretty good quality from REICHELT).