2m / 70cm diplexer

Starting point

I borrowed a 2m / 70cm diplexer from a fellow HAM to connect my Multiband-2m/70cm-Antenna to my IC-9700. The IC-9700 has a 2m and a separate 70cm port - the antenna a single port - thats why I need the diplexer.   

The diplexer is a german manufactured AUTH EM 702.



The diplexer was not really working.

The 2m path works so far with the expected TL of 0,3dB.

But the 70cm path was not working. A TL of 40dB is not expected.


I was using my SV4401A VNA to do the measurements 



I heat up my soldering iron to remove the base cover. In my opinion, this reveals a major soldering mess - but I think positively and assume that at the date of manufacture there were no means of removing the flux and that solder did not yet adhere very well :-/

There was a intermittent short between a capacitor und the ground - quality control, so important. 


After fixing, the measurements where as expected:

The path from the 2m port to the antennna port   
The path from the 70cm port to the antenna port   
 The path from the antenna port to the 2m port  
 The path from the antenna port to the 70cm port